I nominate this kid for coolest kid ever. There he was centre stage with his camera, like a little Cameron Crow, except ever cooler. I doubt the photo does him justice.
I had a dream where an angel came to me and said he would grant me one wish. So I told him that I wished for wings so I could fly. "Very well," he said and suddenly my arms became wings and I could fly. But now I had no arms or hands. "What good is this?" I said, "What will I do without arms or hands?" The angel replied, "Did you expect wings to just sprout out of your back?" "Yes," I said. "But then you'd have 6 limbs," he said. "Like an insect." "Well, that is what I want," I replied. And with that, suddenly found myself with 6 legs and a pair of wings on my back. "Now I'm grotesque!" I cried. "I can't be like this!" "Well, what?" Said the angel.
"Did you expect me to contravene the laws of nature?" And he flew away.
This is Trevor. That is also his girlfriend Tessa. You can't really see her because she likes hiding in photographs. Trevor has a great blog called hallou charlie. He writes with wit, poise, elegance, insight and Werner Herzog. Go visit him before he finds something better to do with his time. http://halloucharlie.wordpress.com